sous les pavés, la plage

Clemens Hollerer und Poklong Anading verbindet das Interesse an den öffentlichen Räumen der Stadt. Ihre Arbeiten interpretieren Urbanität punkig, bunt und poetisch. Anadings Arbeiten, die auch in der weltbekannten Sammlung  des Solomon R. Guggenheim Museums in New York vertreten sind, spielen mit urbanen Phänomenen der globalen Marktwirtschaft. In der Serie untitled (landmark) dokumentiert er fotografisch die Reste der Textilproduktion, die auf den Straßenbelägen Manilas wie übergroße Konfetti auftauchen. Fröhlich-groteske Installationen aus gefundenen Materialien und Zeichnungen dokumentieren Anadings prozessorientiertes Arbeiten und seine Rolle als kritischer Beobachter und Sammler.
Clemens Hollerer präsentiert grafisch reduzierte Collagen auf Papier, die das Interesse des Künstlers an der formalen und sinnlichen Wirkung des urbanen Raumes unterstreichen. Die 2006 entstandenen Collagen basieren auf Fotografien von Städten der Beneluxstaaten und zeigen in stilsicherer Reduktion Raumsituationen: Schmale Ecken, scharfe Kanten, spitze Winkel, weite Flächen. Diese Arbeiten bildeten den Ausgangspunkt für Skulpturen aus Aluminium und Lack sowie Installationen aus Holz, welche die grafische Abstraktion ins Räumliche rückübersetzen.
Margareth Otti, 2016
Poklong Anading
1975 born in Manila (Philippinen), lives and works in Manila.
1995-1999 University of the Philippines, Quezon City (RP)
Exhibitions and projects (2000-2006, selection)
Architecture Biennale 2016, 15th International Architecture Exhibition, Philippine Pavilion: Muhon: Traces of an Adolescent City, Palazzo Mora, Venice (IT)
The Shadow Never Lies, curated by Joshua Jiang and Mark Nash, Minsheng Art Museum, Shanghai (CN), Afterwork, Para Site, Hong Kong (HK), Sidereal Message, Taro Nasu, Tokyo (JP) (solo), Encounter and Departure, Athr Gallery, Jeddah (SA) (solo)
5th Asian Art Biennial: Artist Making Movement, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung (TW), Video Spotlight: Philippines, Asia Society, New York (US), Stop Look Listen, 1335MABINI, Manila (RP), Roppongi Art Night, curated by Mami Kataoka, Tokyo (JP), Urban Canyon, 1335MABINI, Manila (PH) (solo), Hit or miss is a hit, Alliance Francaise de Manille, Makati (PH) (solo)
No Country, Contemporary Art for South and Southeast Asia, Center for Contemporary Art, Singapore (SG), The Bald Sopranos, Gallery Exit (HK), What does it all matter as long as the wounds fit the arrows, Cultural Center of the Philippines, Manila (PH), Brave New World, Metropolitan Museum, Manila (PH)
Copy Select All, Selasar Sunaryo Art Space, Bandung (RI) (solo), Common Ground Barrier, Galerie Zimmermann Kratochwill, Graz (AT), Welcome to the Jungle, Yokohama Museum of Art, Nishi-ku, Yokohama (JP), Welcome to the Jungle, Contemporary Art Museum, Kumamoto (JP), No Country: Contemporary Art for South and Southeast Asia, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York (USA), Move on Asia, Video Art in Asia 2002-2012, ZKM Zentrum fur Kunst und Medientechnologie, Karlsruhe (DE), Sharjah Biennal 11: Re:emerge, Sharjah (UAE), every water is an island, Bankok University Gallery, Bankok (TH) (solo)
Manila Vice, Musee International des Artes Modestes, Sete (FR), Art Death, 1335Mabini, Ermita, Manila (PH) (solo), Movement No.2 – Moving on Asia: Towards a New Art Network 2004-2013 – Wellington City Gallery, Wellington (NZ), Coup de sac, Musee de design et d’arts appliques contemporains, Lausanne (CH), locus, Silverlens, Gillman Barracks, Singapore (SG) (solo), Glitch in the System, The 8th Vladivostok Biennale of Visual Arts (RU)
pocket coffin, Galerie Zimmermann Kratochwill, Graz (AT) (solo), Gwangju Biennale: Roundtable, Gwangju, South Korea (KR), Phantoms of Asia: Contemporary Awakens the Past, curated by Mami Kataoka, Asian Art Museum, San Francisco (CA/USA)
Miracle healing and other hopeful things, MO_space, Makati City (PH) (solo), The Sta. Mesa Diaries, Centre for Contemporary Photography, Victoria (AUS), Complete and Unabridged, Part II, Osage Art Foundation, Hong Kong (HK)
Minimum Yields Maximum, Monte Vista Projects, Los Angeles/California (USA), There’s Money in Spending, Pablo Gallery, Fort Bonifacio (PH) (solo), The Unnamable, Manila Contemporary, Makati City (PH)
Thrice Upon a Time: A Century of Story in the Art of the Philippines, Singapore Art Museum, Singapore (SG), This & That, Triple Base Gallery, San Francisco/California (USA), Drunken Revelry, Ateneo Art Gallery, Ateneo de Manille, Quezon City (PH) (solo), Tattooed Heart, Mag:net Gallery Katipunan, Quezon City (RP) (solo), Untitled (Landmark), West Gallery, Quezon City (RP) (solo), Magnetic Power, Jongno-Gu, Seoul (ROK), Jakarta Biennale 2009: Fluid Zone, Jakarta, Indonesia (RI), Some Rooms, Osage Gallery, Hong Kong (HK)
Random Faults & Root Cause, Finale Art File, Makati City (RP) (solo), Fallen Map, Mag:net Gallery, Quezon City (RP) (solo), Beyond Frame, Philippine Photomedia, UTS Gallery, University of Technology Sydney, Sydney (AUS), Galleon Trade: Bay Area Now, 5th Edition, Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, San Francisco/California (USA), Coffee, Cigarettes and Pad Thai, Contemporary Art in Southeast Asia, Eslite Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan (RC), Sentimental Value – Philippine Contemporary Art, Art Center/Soka Contemporary Space, Beijing (RC), Room 307: Inkling, Gutfeel & Hunch, National Art Gallery, Manila (RP)
Untitled (Landmark), Mag:net Gallery, Quezon City (RP) (solo), Light Suffers if there’s no Place to Fall from, Finale Art File, Makati City (RP) (solo), Between Intersections, Ateneo Art Gallery, Ateneo de Manille, Quezon City (RP) (solo), Shoot Me, Mo_space Gallery, Bonifacio Global City (RP)
Anonymity, The Cross Art Projects, Sydney (AUS) (solo), Faulty Wings, Future Prospects, Quezon City (RP) (solo), Blindspot, Mag:net Gallery, Makati City (RP) (solo), Manila Envelope, Worth Ryder Gallery, Berkeley/California (USA), Metropolitan Mapping, Hongkong Cultural Centre, Hongkong (HK)
Clemens Hollerer
1957 born in Bruck/Mur, Österreich, lives and works in Bad Gleichenberg, AT
2001-2005 Euregio Kolleg für künstlerische Fotografie, Kefermarkt, AT
2006-2007 HISK – Higher Institute for Fine Arts, Antwerpen/Gent, BN
Exhibitions and projects (2000-2006, selection)
Ansammlung – Sammelsurium – Sammlung, Galerie Ruth Leuchter, Dusseldorf, D
sous les pavés, la plage, Galerie Zimmermann Kratochwill, Graz, A
Relapse, SNAP, Lyon, F (Solo)
Aftermath, Galerie Zimmermann Kratochwill, Graz, A (Solo)
SOON, Quincaillerie van der Eycken, Brussels, B (curated by SNAP projects, Lyon, F)
Rhythm of line, Galerie Ruth Leuchter, Dusseldorf, D
Counting bodies like sheep to the rhythm of the war drums, 1335MABINI, Manila, Philippines (Solo)
On / Out of work, SNAP, Lyon, F
Frequencies & Materials, SNAP, Lyon, F
Fuel to fire, Pappas Boutique / Kulturverein Neustein, Salzburg, A (Solo – Org. by Cast your Art)
Fata Morgana, Galleria Enrico Astuni, Bologna, IT
Clemens Hollerer – Michael Kienzer, Galerie Goelles, Fuerstenfeld, A
Chat Jet_Painting Beyond The Medium, Kuenstlerhaus Graz, A
Tightrope, Galerie Klueser 2, Munich, D (Solo)
SculptureNOW – focus on small pieces, Galerie Ruth Leuchter, Dusseldorf, D
Unattainable, Hebel_121, Basel, CH (Solo)
Schauplatz Kornberg, Kornberg, A
MakeSHIFT(S) – Columna02 /  Lyon Biennale 2013 Satellite, Vienne, F
Crossing lines, Galerie Ruth Leuchter, Dusseldorf, D
Kardinal Koenig Art Prize Award Exhibition, St.Virgil, Salzburg, A
Quarantine, PS, Amsterdam, NL (Solo)
A space in color (Expanding.color), La Tolerie, Clermont Ferrand, F
Reality of the unbuilt, Raketenstation Hombroich – Raimund Abraham building, D
Land of the seven moles, PS, Amsterdam, NL
30/30 Image Archive Project (IAP) a collective collection, Moins un, Paris, F (Org. by Team CCNOA)
1er Festival international d’Art Non Objectif de la ville de Pont de Claix (Isere), F
Hollerer/Marte ‘Do we need to have an accident?’, Kunsthaus Graz – Universalmuseum Joanneum, Graz, A (Duo with Sabine Marte)
Fuenf Raeume (Five Rooms), Austrian Cultural Forum, New York, USA
Future Generation Art Price @ Venice, Palazzo Papadopoli, Venice, IT
Collateral event of the 54th International Art Exhibition of La Biennale di Venezia
Calculating infinity, Galerie Winiarzyk @ Kulturverein Neustein, Salzburg, A
One minute silence, Galerie Winiarzyk, Vienna, A (Solo)
Kardinal Koenig Art Prize Award Exhibition, St.Virgil, Salzburg, A
Pièces uniques, ParisCONCRET, Paris, F
Composite Visions, CAN – Centre d’Art Neuchatel, CH (Org. by Team CCNOA)
My Eyes Keep Me in Trouble (traveling exhibition), La Station, Nice, F (Org. by Team CCNOA)
With your eyes only, YUM, Brussels, B (Org. by Team CCNOA)
Project 30/30 – Image Archive Project (IAP), Minusspace, New York, USA (Org. by Team CCNOA)
UND 6 – Intercontinental, Schwartz Gallery, London, GB (curated by Tilman, Billy Gruner und Jan van der Ploeg)
Future Generation Art Prize, Pinchuck Art Centre, Kiev, Ukraine
No time to analyze. 13am, Cast your Art, Vienna, A (Solo)
My, Lokaal 01, Breda, NL
Breathless, Markthalle Wien Mitte, Vienna, A (curated by Adam Budak)
Beware, Koje Medienturm, quartier21, Museumsquartier, Vienna, A (Solo)
Equally damaged, KHG – Katholische Hochschulgemeinde Graz, A (Solo)
With your eyes only, Kunstverein Medienturm, Graz, A (Org. by Team CCNOA)
Fragile, H29, Brussels, B (Duo with Sebastian Wickeroth)
Nick & the Beanstalk, Project space CCNOA – Center for Contemporary Non-Objective Art, Brussels, B (Solo)
Appell, Museum Felix de Boeck, Brussels, B
My Eyes Keep Me in Trouble (traveling exhibition), SCA Galleries, Sydney, AU (Org. by Team CCNOA)
SNO 38, SNO – Sydney Non-Objective, AU (Org. by Team CCNOA)
Open sky, Raeume jenseits ihrer Praxis, Schloss Kalsdorf, A
My Eyes Keep Me in Trouble (traveling exhibition), Physics Room, Christchurch, NZ (Org. by Team CCNOA)
Appell, Verbeke Foundation, Antwerp, B
Gegenstandslos, Gesellschaft für Kunst und Gestaltung, Bonn, D
Unsculptured, Atelier 35, Bucharest, Romania
YO, MO’ Modernism 2, CCNOA – Center for Contemporary Non-Objective Art, Brussels, B
Photo Graz 2008, Kuenstlerhaus Graz, Austria
Collection Mayreder, Lendl gallery/Mayreder, Graz, A
My Eyes Keep Me in Trouble (traveling exhibition), Nieuwe Vide, Haarlem, NL (Org. by Team CCNOA)
Full House, Huis van Winckel, Dendermonde, B
Pas de Soucis, La Barraliére, NOS – Non Objective Sud, Tulette, F (Org. by Team CCNOA)
All is well that begins well and has no end, Washington Square East Gallery, New York, USA
Restore (Blue/Orange/Black/White), Handelsbeurs, Gent, B (Solo)
Just a Four Letter Word, Final show HISK, Museum Dhondt – Dhaenens, Deurle, B
Beyond, Konsortium, Dusseldorf, D (Solo)
First things first, CCNOA – Center for Contemporary Non-Objective Art, Brussels, B
Which way, McBride Fine Art, Antwerp, B (Solo)
Leere x Vision : Connexions, Marta Herford, D
Galerie Zimmermann Kratochwill, 2016Er%C3%B6ffnung_Sous_25-891x600.jpgEr%C3%B6ffnung_Sous_26-883x600.jpgEr%C3%B6ffnung_Sous_34-900x600.jpgEr%C3%B6ffnung_Sous_21-900x600.jpgEr%C3%B6ffnung_Sous_07-900x600.jpgEr%C3%B6ffnung_Sous_12-897x600.jpgEr%C3%B6ffnung_Sous_35-900x600.jpgEr%C3%B6ffnung_Sous_14-400x600.jpg

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